martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

A Subject I've enjoyed studying this semester (Session N°8)

This year, second of the career, we could choose our Central Workshop, in my case I choose Painting. Also we have three theorical courses (past year was only one in the semester). For last we have Drawing and I take the more structural of all. Being a little obvious, my favorite course is Painting. I don’t really paint before I enter to this university, just some watercolor only. Bur painting with oil was something new. In the last exam of the past semester, in 2015, we have to do six paintings for the course of Colour, and at that moment I began to convince myself that painting could be my central workshop, in fact a teacher asked me and I could finally give some security (all year had been very indecisive). So this year I applied the paint workshop of Gonzalo Diaz and I enter. Not very confident, not sure what I could do, not sure how it could develop and reach what I wanted my work to come. To my surprise, the first delivery of four canvas, I was well, and teachers pointed out to me that certain figures and textures that I had painted were well resolved. I remember when one of my teachers later asked that assessment did my job and honestly I said that I had been surprised with what I had done, I didn’t understand yet all things I had done. But that still feel part of progress. Something that helped me a lot of this subject is the training of my eye and color theory. I think I have chosen well.
The first four canvas for the subject

Tumblr (Session N°7)

The career-related website that I going to write is Tumblr. 

This website it's like blogs and twitter have a child, and the baby transforms into this huge source of material. Pictures, videos, music, articles… original pages of artists and pages of recopilations of art’s themes, movies, bands, series, etc. You have your deshboard and your “tumblr”, your page. You can follow differents blog and “reblog” another post and this will appear in your page.

I can say that I visit this site every day or at least five days in the week. I like it because for me it’s like giant book, full of inspirations and sources for my work. Is for that why I use it and surf in it in the nights. When I’m lost, or I need some sparkle, some idea, some siluet, some photograph, some color, some flower… all the tumblrs that I follow and search are there for me. Really help me to know beautiful and new things. And also provide me with good memes.

My page.

UFOs (Session N° 6)

The first thing that come to my mind when someone talks abous UFOs is the big afraid tha I had for them when I was a little girl. Maybe, in the first decade of the 2000’s, the UFO theme was really in vogue, at least here in Chile. I can’t remember why exactly, but I remember news, press and videos in the morning programs on TV about UFOs. I get really persecute, like scared of look the windows at night because I thought and weird gray little humanoid thing will be seeing me and planning my abduction. And the other reason was The X Files, but not the series, the characteristic music really really scared me. With time the popularity of the theme go down and I could stop worrying from the alien invasión.

 I remember at a party where I decided to go to bed early. When I was finally  falling sleep , a friend came and put the sound of the X files in my ear. It was a small tour of terror and I hit a setback on his forehead.

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016

This photography (Session N°5)

In this moment this is my favorite photo. It was taken by a friend, while she was photographing me for a job in a subject. She had to make a portrait in reference to an original one of some photographer. She choose a portrait of Audrey Hepburn, very beautiful in black and white. When we had finished, my cat, Küyen, was playing around us for attention, I took her in my arms and my friend took the photo.

I liket it for the colors, for the canvas besides me, for this little cat that I found two weeks ago, trapped in a tree, probably not eaten for days, dirty and skinny. So loving, so playful and so pretty. I think what I liked most about this small animal were her eyes, which are not blue, are of a celestial sky color, like a turquoise in the center to be fading. I don't look bad either jaja.

M U S I C (Session N°4)

Oh dear music.
What would my life be without it.
What would the precious nights be without it.
What would the long travels be, the sessions of painting, of drawing, of be with friends, with lovers, with ourselves.

Once a friend in school told me that I have three things that I can not do every single day, and of that things was listen music.

I have my spectrum of music that I like, and this is always open to new songs and styles, but some of them and some artists will be forever on it. I will describe here:

I like rock and metal bands mainly. And the styles I enjoy are gothic, melodic, death, symphonic, power and folk metal, for say it some styles. In rock bands I cataloge them mostly for decades. This years, I spends my days listen 80’s-90’s rock, from differents countries (like UK, Argentina, Japan, etc). I also like chilean- latin american folk music, classical music, pop of past decades and for parties I really like electronic, but more like synth, new-wave, post-wave…

I leave some songs that I really like:

My favourite piece of technology (Session N°3)

I have to say that my favorite piece of technology is the computer. All in one. And i don’t say it in the way of a cellphone, I say it because you could find so much information with this boy, and that could be something good and something bad.
The first one I had was when I was nine year old, a gift from my parents. In that time my favorites pages was mini-juegos, games like dress up and make up, playing with my Pocahontas and Barbie CD-ROM and the magic of Encarta.
So, through the years, this thing gave a lot of nice memories, some not so nice, some traumas, a lot of fun, a lot of lost hours and so much material for use in my life and artistic process.

This year I moved from a desk computer (a really old one) to this baby.
And my another baby is besides of it.

This career (Session N°2)

Why did I choose this career?

I have to say that this was no one childhood idea, permanent in my mind through my school days. Actually, art was something that always I had in my life, but not something that I considered for my “profesional future” in my first years. It was an activity in my days, I really liked it, but I believe I don’t given it the weight I give it now. My ideas of what I want to become go by been a pediatrician or scientist (in primary school), to study things that I just want (in secondary school), like English language, Spanish language, Literature, Psychology, History… not so sure if in that careers I will become a “profesional” or a teacher (I believe that change of perspective was for the movilizations and riots of 2011, when I was in my first year of secondary school, a really important year for me).

So, I was really confused. Just months to give the PSU, and I didn’t know how, in this system, I'll be what I want to be. My interests where in music, in drawing, in books, in the movies… so many things I want to do and I could not seen the way. Maybe sound dramatic, but when all the world is saying to you that all you really want don’t gonna drive you in any good way, that you will be poor and no really a “professional”. In the middle of all that thoughts, a friend say to me: “In what think you’re good? In what think you’re different from others?”. In my little school world, when the majority was pretty equal and flat, I thought in art.

Until this moment, this is why I’m study arts, and I really really don’t regret it. I fall in love with art.